
In conventional psychology Ego as a construct is often referred to as a part of a model developed by Freud where he descried the three forces within the human psyche - The Ego, the Superego and the Id. The ego is the part that mediates between the instinctual and unruly Id and the excessively critical, prim and proper superego. Within this model the ego plays a balanced, rational and adult like role of a fair and just mediator, whose job is to ensure the well-functioning self within the society. In Transactional Analysis PAC model, the maturity and strength of the ego determines the ability to remain in a balanced Adult State. This is a general trend amongst psychological practitioners to use the term ego to denote the individual self, able to maintain mature and balanced adult state and sometimes the term 'ego strength' is also used to denote that the ego has to be strong and stable in order to manage emotional healing crisis or any other crisis of adaptation to change that are required in the face of crisis.
In Eastern yoga science ego is seen as something that needs to be dissolved and got rid off if one is to realise their inner divinity and become one with God. Ego is termed Ahamkara and is one of the four functions of the mind that need to be consistently worked by cultivating the higher mind or Buddhi, the Buddhic Mind [11D Avatar Mind].
In ascension model ego or negative ego is a part of something unnatural and artificial, a dead structure, that did not originally belong to humanity.
Negative Ego is an Alien Construct
Humans as species were not originally designed to have this function. By its very nature the Negative Ego is a predatorial, parasitic, and egoic programme with one and only prime objective - to survive and to advance its own egoic interest. Like any PC programme, it requires hardware [our body-mind] and additional software programmes [parental, racial, societal, collective conditioning, mind control]. These ‘programmes’ are designed to run on the pain of our Inner Child and Soul wounds and the ‘survival behaviours and masks’ that we developed in order to survive, such as: forced identities, archetypes, alter personalities etc. These programmes create a ‘void’ within us [many of our disfunctions and addictions are linked to this] and by choosing Love, by choosing to Love and accept ourselves and our Inner Child we transmute and delete them.
Negative Ego Shapeshifts
Negative ego will morph, hide, transform, deceive, pretend, confuse, and basically will do anything and everything in its power to keep the hardware [you] convinced that you need it in order to function in your daily life and feel safe and happy. It likes to blackmail us through fear, shame, guilt, etc. It is like a leach or parasite that needs a ‘host‘ to survive. It hides mostly in the mind and the mental worlds of thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, presumptions, and ‘filling in’ the blanks. Negative ego is the breeding ground of various ‘attachments’ that we carry in our Light Body. Negative Ego is also highly susceptible to being deceived and Mind Controlled. It’s virtually impossible to mind control and deceive the heart. It has seamlessly embedded itself into your original Christ Light Self [Christ as in Christ Consciousness] and fused with it so that it is hard to tell Who is Who. Some parasitic ET races have taken advantage of this vulnerability and have been using our pain for their own egoic gains for aeons of time. These races are known under different names and some of them are comprised of what we call the Fallen Angels.
Houses of Ego
Each house built within our light body layers of our 3D mind would have an entity attachment, who is gatekeeping various syphons, devises and cords attached to it, and leading to phantom or other dimensions for loosh and life force energy harvesting and stealing. It is our divine right to evict the entities and claim our sovereignty by diligently working on dissolving and clearing our negative ego and shadow body.
- Addiction / Lust
- Wrath / Rage / Vengeance
- Greed / Avarice
- Envy / Jealousy
- Gluttony / Waste
- Laziness / Discouragement
- Pride / (+/-) Self-Importance
Our Soul and Core Self are a Powerful Ego Cleansers
Our Soul is anchored in the Heart and is devoid of ego. The essence of our Soul – is spiritual and our Soul reflects itself through our Core Identity or our Core Self. Each time we chose to embody the qualities of our Soul we are demising the power of the negative ego. Any selfless act, integral behaviour, sincere smile, honest speak and unified cooperation between human harts and minds makes it harder for the negative ego to survive. Resolving to practice soul inspired behaviours is a good antidote to the negative ego.