Avatar Matrix

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Avatar Matrix = Avatar Mind = Chakras & Dimensions 10D, 11D, 12D = Our Avatar

The Avatar Mind or our Avatar Self exists within the Avatar Matrix and corresponds to Chakras and dimensions 10D, 11D, 12D. the Avatar Self is comprised of three layers or minds:

The Solar Mind is located within the 10D sapphire colour spectrum.

Buddhic Mind is located within the 11D dark silver colour spectrum.

Avatar Mind is located within the 12D white colour spectrum that is the diamond ray that we use when we connect to out 12D shield.

Avatar Activation - Biological age 33

Our Avatar self would be trying to reach us at biological age 33 in order to activate the next level of soul embodiment on her journey of ascension. This is an important time as memories from Avatar level existences and lives my start to surface for observation and healing as well as opportunities for growth and spiritual development. Your Avatar would be trying to get through to you and may send you guidance or ascension guide and you will need to be vigilant because the darkness, the shadow body and the parasites that have built their dwellings within your shadow body would be doing everything they can to re-direct and to distract you from your true path. Our true path is the path of alignment to the North, true North. Parasites, fallen Angelics and hostile ET's would always want to do everything they could to stop you from discovering them via the dedicated shadow work, so stay alert, be courageous and determined and command your space and call them out to evict and clear from your space and light body.