Monad Body Sheild
Oversoul Matrix = Monadic Mind = Chakras & Dimensions 7D, 8D, 9D = Our Monad Body Shield
The Oversoul Mind or our Monadic Identity existing within the Monadic Matrix and corresponds to chakras and dimensions 7D, 8D, 9D. Our monadic identities exist within the timelines that we had on the 7D planet planet Gaia. Ascended Masters, Hyperborean and Greek histories are related to these timelines and may present in our life for clearing and healing. Generally this level of healing and integration begins when we have completed the soul level healing integration and healed the wing trauma within the six and seventh dimensional layers.
Monad Matrix
The three layers within which our Monadic identities are located are:
Katheric Mind 7D corresponds to chakra 7 and the violet colour spectrum.
Monadic Mind 8D corresponds to chakra 8 and the gold colour spectrum.
Metatronic Mind 9D corresponds to chakra 9 and silver colour spectrum.
Activation of Monadic Identity at age 22
At age 22 we each have an opportunity to consciously participate with our monadic selves for integration and healing. This is an important time when past or future memories could surface for healing, clearing and integration. This is the time when our Monadic Selves would be trying to get through to us for reconnection and healing.