Archetypes - Victim Victimiser

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Victim vs Victimiser - Karpman Drama Triangle

The term 'Victim-Victimiser Programme' originated from Ascension Glossary and Energetic Synthesis Body of Work.

In psychology the victim-victimiser patterns are best known as Karpman Drama Triangle[1] which maps out the destructive and dysfunctional interaction dynamic that occurs between people during conflict, or any stressful or triggering situation. This archetypal pattern, which  is often visually depicted as a triangle, has its own ‘actors’ such as ‘victims’, ‘persecutors/victimisers’ and ‘rescuers’, whose roles are fuelled by unconscious goals and agendas to perpetuate the dysfunction instead of solving problems. Drama Tringale dynamic is parasitic in its nature as it generates massive amounts of energy drain and locks participants into a vicious cycle of dysfunctional relationship. This dynamic is mostly expressed within the familial and group settings that involve more than two people, however it can also erupt within the romantic relationships or between friends and other relational dynamics that involve groups of people. Please see Karpman Triangle Self-help Tool here.


The Victimiser Archetype is the umbrella term for patterns associated with control, abuse, victimisation, coercion, and humiliating, bullying, and tyrannical behaviours. It is generally assigned to the masculine principle and can be either externalised, e.g., as aggressive and entitled behaviour or internalised in the form of the Inner Bully, Judge and Critic. Its generally expressed as an angry father, God, political or military tyrant, or cruel and robotic enforcer, militant, or fighter. Narcissism and gas lighting tactics can also be included here. Victimisers often use the tactic of DARVO. Below is the list of common Victimiser Archetypes:

Aggressor Programme


False Friend

False Parent

False Righteousness

False Security

Hero Saviour

Silent Enemy


The meaning of DARVO[2] is to Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender = DARVO. This is the tactic and a reaction used by the victimisers, perpetrators and abusers including coercive abusers in response of being held accountable for their behaviours. This is a common manipulation strategy used by physical and psychological abusers. From multidimensional perspective of ascension mechanics the DARVO tactic is the number one favourite of the Fallen Angelic Gestalts and Negative Alien Agenda Groups who are consistently and defiantly unwilling to accept accountability for their violations against the Natural Laws of creation and the Law of One.

The Victim Archetype

According to Caroline Myss, The Victim Archetype is one of the four primary architypes that we all share in our archetypal behaviour library.

These four archetypes are: The Victim, The Prostitute, The Child, The Saboteur.

The Victim Archetype is where our vulnerability meets our pain or weakness, thus creating a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. The Victim Archetype in its positive aspect is our best friend as it alerts us to pay attention to our wants and needs and teaches us to make them our priority. In its negative aspect this archetype can push us into the bottomless pit of self-pity, worthlessness, procrastination, depression, complacency and powerlessness. If the negative aspects of this archetype are not cleared, then we risk attracting abusers and victimisers to ourselves as this Archetype would be exerting its silent influence from our subconscious to magnetically pull the abusers and abusive situations to us. Below is the list of Common Victim Archetypes:

Martyr, Rescuer, Hero-Saviour, Good Samaritan, Co-dependent, People Pleaser, Poor Me, Servant, the Orphan

Victim - Victimiser and Mind Control

Mind Control that includes the manipulation of human perception, attitudes, believes and behaviour as well as the artificial software that is being used on the human population via the manipulation of individual and collective consciousness fields. Mind control is comprised of multiple layers of controller programmes[3] based on holographic, psychotronic, and scalar wave technologies designed to psychologically and emotionally programme humanity to remain locked in the frequencies of fear, anxiety, survival, poverty or excessive consumerism, and to think thoughts of violence, hatred and egoic separateness and self-advancement. Mind Control broadcast is mainly aimed to influence human brain waves, central nervous system and to saturate the sensory system with subliminal messages to keeps humanity in a state of constant divisiveness, warring, pain, fear, suffering and poverty. The three main programmes are:

  • Armageddon Software – Conscious Mind, Solar Plexus Chakra 3, the Power Centre. Frequency of fear, anxiety, impending doom, survival, debt enslavement.
  • Sexual Misery – Instinctual Mind, Sexual Organs Chakra 2, Pain Body, Creativity, Sexuality and Relationships. Sexual addictions. General Addictions. Cords.
  • Victim-Victimizer – Unconscious Mind, Chakra 1, Fears of Security, Safety, Angry Punitive and Punishing Father, Physical Survival fears, fear of death.

See Also

Mind Control

Archetypes - About

Archetypes - How to Work with Them

Sexual Misery Programme
