Archetypes - Common Types

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Archetypes - Overview

Please see more detailed description in Archetypes - About and Archetypes - How to Work With Them. The overview here is offered as a quick and concise reference. Generally Archetypes are there for us to experience the richness of life and experience through our unique individuality, soul expression and blueprint. They are not 'bad' or something that we need to let go off. Expressing ourselves though balanced Archetypes help us to see ourselves and our core essence as reflected back to us through the physical reality.

When Archetypes become unhelpful

The Archetypes become unhelpful and even destructive when they fuse with our pain body [2D, second chakra], the store house of our inner child's unhealed trauma and deep soul wounds. This is when Archetypes start creating problems for us such as self-defeating behaviours, inner self-sabotage, all types of addiction, procrastination, compulsive need to keep 'acting out' a certain archetypes such as for example overly accommodating Cinderella-servant, people-pleaser, martyr, Goody-goody, virtuous member of society, etc. When this happens and our pain and trauma have not been cleared and healed, or we are not aware of it and automatically 'act out' these archetypal patterns - this is when we start forgetting who we are, that we are not the Archetypes, that these archetypes are 'the clothes' we wear, and not the entirety of our eternal Self.

We forget that our Eternal Self is using these archetypes to entertain us with the drama-movie of ever-changing life and its for us to experience and enjoy the play of DUALITY, so we cry, we laugh, we suffer in pain and agony and we rejoice - all these emotions and experiences make this drama very diverse and definitely not boring. After all we have incarnated in this polarity system of duality, our karmas brought us here, and it helps to remind ourselves that Archetypes are tools for us to explore this polarity system that and that on some deep level our Avatar Self has chosen to place us into this reality at this time of great planetary, galactic, universal ascension shift that is happening NOW. This shift is a marker, the announcement and the beginning of LIBERATION of planet Earth and Humanity from imprisonment and consciousness slavery. This is big and all of us who are here on this planet at this time KNOW THIS. Our job is to keep clearing the negative ego and healing ourselves, so that we become ever more conscious of ourselves, our choices and the part we each came her to play at this time.

Helpful Self-Healing Practice with Archetypes

Look at the Archetypes below and see if you can recognise any of them as part of your identity. Observe how they 'play out' in your life and if they are helping you or creating problems for you. Journal your findings and see what archetypes need to be adjusted or let go off.

Look at the Archetypes and see if there are some archetypes that you would like to explore more in your life? Start bringing them in and integrating them into your identity and daily life. Look at any fears that might present themselves, because life-long, ingrained Archetypes fight for their survival, they are like programmes that fear being deleted. Journal your findings and share them with your mentor, therapist, friend, guide. Notice how your life changes and how you feel.

Common Jungian Archetypes [1]

  • The Self
  • The Shadow
  • The Persona
  • The Anima
  • The Animus
  • The Father
  • The Mother
  • The Child
  • The Wise Man
  • The Hero
  • The Trickster
  • The Maiden

Archetypes developed by Caroline Myss [2]

  • The Fool
  • The Destroyer
  • The Child – Wounded, Orphan, Nature, Magical, Eternal, Divine
  • The Mother – Crone, Matriarch, Queen, Goddess, Femme Fatale, Princess, Damsel
  • The Father – Mentor, Leader, Patriarch, King, Magician, Knight, Prince, Tyrant
  • The Mediator – Diplomat
  • The Innocent – Dreamer
  • The Guide – Mentor, Teacher, Facilitator
  • The Martyr – Servant, Saviour, Samaritan
  • The Warrior – Fighter, Bully
  • The Seeker
  • The Philosopher
  • The Artists – Actor, Muse, Poet, Storyteller,
  • The Rebel – Anarchist, Revolutionary
  • The Healer – Rescuer, Caregiver, Therapist
  • The Lover – Companion
  • The Detective

Collective Consciousness Archetypes[3]

The Destroyer

Devil, Betrayer, Dominator, Raper, Tyrant, Enemy, Evil Doer, Murderer, Despot, War Monger

The Fool

Clown, Crazy, Joker, Lunatic, Flake, Philanderer, Scatterbrain, Dunce, Untrustworthy, Erratic

The Innocent

Artist, Child, Lover, Harmless, Meek, Gullible, Naïve, Nubile, Waif, Fairy

The Magician

Merlin, Priest/Priestess, Shaman, Trickster, Sorcerer, Witch/Wizard, Black Magician, Wiccan/Pagan/Druid, Ritualist

The Martyr

Loser, Saint, Saviour, Sacrificial Lamb, Struggler, Redeemer, Victim, Destitute

The Patriarch/Matriarch

Ancestor, Mother, Father, Ancients, Great Mother Spirit, Great Father Spirit, Family

The Ruler

Aristocrat, Monarchy, King/Queen, Prince/Princess

The Judge

Blueblood, Power Elite, Dictator, Leader, Controller

The Seducer

Abandoner, Deceiver, Enchanter, Liar, Manipulator, Prostitute, Philanderer, Tempter/Temptress, Fantasizer

The Seeker

Adventure, Explorer, Hunter, Hermit, Monk, Pioneer, Wanderer, Inventor, Loner

The Servant Archetype

Assistant, Attendant, Right Hand person, Subject, Slave, Subordinate, Worker, Follower

The Warrior Archetype

Fighter, Hero, Knight, Rival, Survivor, Gladiator, Soldier, Protector, Enforcer

The Wise One Archetype

Holy One, Master, Mystic, Oracle, Prophet, Teacher, Great Thinker, Sage

See Also

Archetypes - About

Archetypes - How to Work With Them

The Ultimate List of Archetypes
