Archetypes - About

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Soul Psychology

What are the Archetypes?

The word ‘Archetype’ is derived from Ancient Greek, ‘arkho’- ‘to begin’ and ‘tupos’- ‘sort, type’, meaning the original pattern, shape, prototype, or "model, first form, original pattern from which copies are made".[1] [2]This concept is often used in psychology and talking therapy modalities to describe our unique patterns of behaviour, perception, relating, and how we express ourselves in the world. Our individual archetypes are greatly influenced by our familial and social upbringing and collective consciousness archetypes that are determined by our birth country, tribal /national affiliation, and societal trends.

Archetypes & Ascension

According to the science of ascension, archetypal patterns are magnetically imprinted upon the Soul before it is borne into the material world and would exert negative or positive influence on the individual depending on their awareness, spiritual development, and life experiences especially during the earlier developmental stages between the ages of one to eighteen.[3] Archetypes can be compared to wearing ‘filters’ or ‘gloves’ through which we experience and interact with the external and internal world and were originally designed to assist us in joyous exploration of the polarity system such as 3D Earth as they provide us with multitudes of ‘shades’ of creative expression and as such many of the archetypal patterns and their symbology could be found in art, literature, Jungian psychology, tribal heritage, Greek Pantheon, astrology, and various forms of divination such as Tarot, Runes, Enneagram, Numerology, etc.

Archetypes as Forced Identities

‘Forced Identities’[4] is a term used in ascension science to describe distorted, manipulated, and/or imposed archetypal patters which are being imbedded and overlaid upon our original archetypes by external negative forces such as corrupt systems of power that exert their control over individuals and collective humanity through subliminal fear-based programming and Mind Control. These adverse mind control technologies, which are being aggressively pulsed into the Earth grid and collective consciousness of humanity, greatly amplify, and reinforce the negative expressions of our egoic selves and unhealed wounds such as pain, addictions, falseness, fear- based belief systems, Negative Ego and predatorial mind set making us an unsuspecting carrier of such distorted mental patterns or Forced Identities. Forced Identities are not organic to humanity and are artificially generated by advanced AI technology existing on and off planet. Developing Discernment and choosing to step into spiritual adulthood are the two most important challenges humanity must overcome in order to become sovereign and free from the Archontic Control forces that have been harvesting and controlling humanity for thousands if not millions of years.

Archetypes & Self-Awareness

Jung aptly described archetypes as “… the living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine the individual’s life in invisible ways.”[5]

The importance of conscious exploration of our individual archetypes could not be underestimated as they subtly guide our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours and with our self-awareness of their positive and negative attributes we could align with their original blueprint. This would enable us to consciously direct and influence our mental and emotional energies, states, and behaviours to continuously and steadily moving toward greater self-mastery, authenticity, and self-empowerment.

Archetypes - Brief Summary

Why Archetypes became distorted?

Negative and Forced Archetypes are part of our False or Forced Identity, they influence our perception of reality [events, other people, interpret situations] and operate through our Negative Ego. Originally these archetypes were an organic part of planetary grid network, which offered humans and non-humans an opportunity to experience a game of Polarity on Tara [our original home planet that existed in 5D] and then Earth. However, our planet Earth and her planetary body and Logos were invaded millions of years ago, and these archetypes have become grossly distorted and limiting to our consciousness experience.

Healing the Archetypes

When we overly identify with any of the archetypes, we begin to wear a mask that becomes eventually our only ‘window’ through which we interpret reality and people’s behaviour toward us. To gain freedom we need to ‘peel’ these archetypes layer by layer’ and it may take a lifetime! Why? Because we are undergoing an ascension cycle and thus, we are completing, ending, and neutralising multiple levels of distortion, miasmatic overlays, pain, and trauma that we experienced in our incarnations, and some of these archetypes we have played for thousands of years, and they become deeply imprinted in us.

Archetypes - False Parent & Victim-Victimiser

This applies especially to the archetypes of False Parent expressed as Anti-Christ Couple of False Queen/Dark Mother and False Father/King of Tyranny vs the Innocent Child Archetypes. These Archetypes play out on every societal level and  lock our consciousness into a very narrow duality pattern of the Victim-Victimiser polarity which then dictates to us its limiting beliefs and corresponding behaviours and especially with our bio-family members [parent – child; mother-daughter; father-daughter; mother-son; father-son]. These negative dynamics resulted in various psychological distortions and imbalances passed on through the family of origin and also are expressed in the social, economic and political arenas where these archetypal patterns 'play out' in our attitudes to the figures of authority and power.

See Also

Archetypes - How to Work with Them

Archetypes - Common Types
