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Soul Ascension Guide

Hi and Welcome to Soul Ascension Guide! I hope you find this site helpful and supportive.

Hi, my name is Yana, and I am a founder of Soul Ascension Guide. I also run a professional soul counselling practice at Counselling North Wales. I consider myself a lifelong truth seeker, psycho-spiritual therapist, mentor, group facilitator, consciousness researcher, writer, and spiritual guide. Through my lifelong study, spiritual practices, professional work, and on-going embodiment process, I have acquired hard-earned experience and personal gnosis that I am now endeavouring to share with you to assist you along your ascension journey.

Humanity is Navigating Challenging Times

During current tumultuous times humanity and planet Earth are traversing the cyclical path known as the Great Shift or the Cycle of Ascension. This is the time of endings and new beginnings, the time of completion of the last cycle and transitioning from the 3D frequency into the higher frequency band. Especially at this time, individually and collectively humanity is facing challenges and great opportunities enabling quantum leaps in individual and collective consciousness expansion.

Project Dedication & Structure

Soul Ascension Guide is a collaboration with the Guardian Host Races who are supporting human freedom, sovereignty, and liberation. This architecture is consecrated and dedicated to God Sovereign Free timeline, to the embodiment of Christ Consciousness in this realm, to supporting Krystal Star Guardian Mission in Service to God’s Law of One, and to the fulfilment of the highest Soul purpose of all who are stewarded and guided into this container. Holy Mother, Holly Father, Holly Christos-Sophia, all Guardian Races who serve God and the Law of One, please guide, guard, and protect this structure with your divine flows of Life, Love, Wisdom, and Power. All divergent agenda, negative intentions, implants, attachments, possession, taggers, trackers, devises, superimpositional forces, manipulation and any form of negative AI interference aimed at this structure are automatically deflected, transited, removed, neutralised and/or rendered null and void in all parallel, timelines and realities. I call upon a Ban on Non-Interference to be placed around this structure including on all of its devises, hardware, software, notes, writings, emails, edits, and any exchanges and communication. Thank you, God. Thank you, Guardians. God-Sovereign-Free for All.

Project Intention

My intention for this site is to contribute in my humble way to the restoration of the missing elements within the field of modern psychology concerning the study and comprehension of the Soul, Spirit and Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness, as well as help you to have access to the basic tenets of this synthesis for you to better understand yourself and reality in which your soul, clothed in a physical body-vehicle, is partaking in the 3D Earth experience.

Soul Ascension Guide's Foundations

The Guide is in most part would be utilising concepts and soul-spirit language provided by the Energetic Synthesis body of work and its founder Lisa Renee and would endeavour to present them in a format that is more accessible to general public who may be not too familiar with ascension mechanics of our soul and spirit.

The information and concepts provided by the energetic synthesis body of work is vast, comprehensive and in part technical, as it’s mainly aimed at a specific group of Starseeds and Indigos who have accepted the role of supporting planetary ascension in a variety of ways determined by their personal pre-incarnational agreements.

All material is shared under the Creative Commons By-SA licence originally from the Energetic Synthesis

New Concepts and Language of Light

The language of the Soul-spirit is also known as the Language of Light and it’s comprised of Light and Sound fields that are first received by our DNA and then electrically transmitted to our brain-mind in order for us to decode reality and use language to express our unique essence to co-create with life. Older languages and alphabets belonging to ancient civilisations had specific light and sound tones that when pronounced would enable the human soul to engage with reality experience as a living organic ‘real time’ feedback loop that intimately communicated and interfaced with our consciousness through symbols, sounds, natural phenomena, and synchronicities. Every human being on this Earth has this language of light memory recorded in their cells and the purpose of Soul Ascension Guide is to assist you in activation of your cellular memory to start remembering and applying light language in your daily life.

By Using This Site You Agree

  • To use your own personal discernment and check for inner resonance with this material. It is aimed at helping you to develop independent thinking and your own gnosis.
  • To be aware that until the negative ego is fully understood and cleared, there may be some triggers that can cause dissonance and difficult feelings and it is your responsibility to use your personal healing toolset to assist yourself.
  • To be aware that if you have endured traumatic events of any kind in the past, there may some cellular memory triggers for you, so you need to be gentle and discerning with yourself.
  • To take full responsibility for  your own healing process and reactions and avoid the ‘blame’ game. We are all doing our best and are each responsible for the clearing our negative ego blocks and resistance.
  • To educate yourself on the Law of One which is the fundamental Universal Law based on Unity Consciousness and Service to Others.
  • To be sincere, honest, and authentic with your intentions. God-Sovereign-Free for All.

This material is shared under the Creative Commons By-SA licence originally from the Energetic Synthesis.