Emotional Body

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What is Emotional Body?

Alongside with physical, mental, and spiritual bodies, we each have an emotional body. Our emotional body forms an intrinsic part of our light body anatomy and is a medium through which we feel the life’ s flow of experiences moving through us and our lives. Our Emotional body not only graces us with a diverse range of ‘colours’ to apply in our lives, but also in its positive or negative aspects could facilitate either the greatest heights of inspiration, joy, passion and creativity or the immense depth of despair, sadness, grief, melancholy, and depression. Our emotional body is also a vital part of our higher sensory perceptions and our ability to decode reality in non-linear and creative ways. Hence the importance of working the emotional self-regulation tools to maintain healthy and balanced emotional body could not be underestimated especially at this time of  planetary and collective ascension shift.

Emotional Body and the Inner Child

Our wounded and vulnerable inner child is closely linked to the emotional body and our inner child healing is the emotional body healing. Current societal, political, and economic systems existing on Earth are deliberately structured in such a way as to inflict as much damage, wounding, and painful imprints as possible during the most vulnerable developmental stage between ages 0-7 years old. Therefore, an important point to bear in mind that much of the emotional healing would be connected to the inner child healing.

The famous few quotes:

By Aristotle: ‘Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man’ [1] rings true and reverberated by the 20th century psychologist J.B. Watson who proudly declared: ‘Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.’ [2]

Where is Emotional Body Located?

According to the Ascension Paradigm our emotional body’s original and rightful sitting is in the Heart which corresponds to the first layer of the Soul Matrix Triad and is located in the second Harmonic Universe [HU2]. Our Emotional Body or Astral Mind is expressed through the fourth chakra [ Anahata], the green colour spectrum of fourth dimension or Astral Plane.

Emotional Body Link to Etheric Nadial Structure

The fourth dimension [4D] is where our Soul holds the Etheric Nadial Structure instruction set and blueprint for the physical body’s Central Nervous System [CNS] in the third dimension [3D]. The prana or energy flow between the Etheric Nadial Complex in the 4D and Central Nervous System in the 3D is carried via the subtle energy channels located in our physical and astral bodies known in Sanskrit as nadis or nadial channels.

Emotional Body and Higher Sensory Perception

When the Heart and/or the Nadial System and its channels are damaged or blocked we lose our higher sensory ability to deeply feel, sense and perceive Soul’s higher sensory impressions. Our emotional body starts to separate into a higher and lower emotional layer, and we start to heavily rely on our mental body for de-code reality’s cues. Our mental body has a strong predisposition toward negative ego biases and operates through the conscious mind which lacks intuitive insight and in the absence of the heart connection could be easily conditioned, mislead, deceived, manipulated, confused, gaslighted, and misguided.    

Higher and Lower Emotional Bodies

The higher emotional body is polarised towards the higher layers of the Soul Matrix and carries the emotions of love peace, harmlessness, unity, and selflessness, whereas the lower emotional body is polarised towards the lower Astral plain that is contaminated with the emotions of hatred, egoic selfishness, chaos, animosity, lust, and other aberrant emotions linked to the collective shadow body of humanity. Additionally, due to the traumatic, hidden, and unhealed galactic history of humanity, the Astral Plane has been almost fully assimilated into the technologically based realm controlled by the artificial intelligence [AI], advanced alien machinery and NAA Mind Control technologies that are deployed upon humans collectively and individually with the purpose of subversion, manipulation, enslavement, and soul energy harvesting.

What is 2/4D Split in Emotional Body?

This split happens when due to the heart centre damage the lower layer of the emotional astral body located in the 4D becomes inverted upon itself and gets lodged in the second dimensional [2D] sacral centre [Chakra 2]. This creates a shadow self which makes it progressively difficult for the human being to process their emotions through the heart centre and instead the aberrant personal emotions and unconscious elements combined with collective chaotic forces become lodged and inverted upon themselves in the instinctual layer of the 2nd chakra resulting in the emergence of the pain body. Our instinctual layer becomes our pain body and the main processing centre for our positive and negative emotions. Processing our emotions via the 2nd instinctual centre /chakra brings with it a host of self-distractive and self-defeating behavioural patterns locking us in non-ending cycle of multitudes of addictions.

Emotional Healing Tips

Emotional healing is achieved with dedicated and consistent efforts to clear the negative ego and shadow body, body work, yoga, Meditation Basic Practice, creative pursuits, and inner child healing work. Emotional body responds well to beauty, nurture, all things water, nature, colours, smells, music, and movement of any kind, so immersing yourself and surrounding yourself with these elements would be of great help. Emotional body thrives on loving and caring interactions and exchanges with your loved ones, pets, good friends, and spending times alone with nature and elements. Emotional body resonates with children and blossoms when you become a nurturing parent to your own inner child and allow your inner child to be playful and spontaneous. It’s also helpful to journal your feelings on a daily basis and learn to expand your Feeling Vocabulary

See Also

Emotional Pain Body

Emotional Self-Regulation

Emotional Intelligence

Three Layers of Ego

Shadow Body

The Inner Child

Feeling Vocabulary





  1. Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/709859-give-me-a-child-until-he-is-7-and-i
  2. Behaviorism (2009) [1958], p. 82