The Truth Pulse Podcasts
The Truth Pulse Podcasts
The topics discussed between three of us broadly cover the subjects of soul ascension, disclosure and service to self ET agendas present on and off the planet Earth today and which existed alongside human collective for thousands if not millions of years.
Please note that these discussions are offered as our personal truth sharings, and are subjective, as we each need to discover the Truth in our own unique ways. In our discussions we used the ascension model and material shared by Energetic Synthesis through the Ascension Glossary. We hope you enjoy our sharings and find helpful tips and pointers for your own soul ascension journey!
The Truth Pulse - Purpose
The Truth Pulse Project was initiated with the aim to assist humanity in navigating through the difficult and challenging times of upcoming disclousure which were brought about by the instigation of the false Covid narrative in March 2020.
The subsequent events that unfolded, including social distancing, masking, and lock downs further revealed a carefully planned and meticulously implemented psychological manipulation based on media inflated fear propaganda, inaccurately presented statistical data, and the deliberate obfuscation of the fact that as of 19th of March 2020 the government downgraded coronavirus from a Highly Contagious Infectious Disease to a level 2 pandemic [no masks, social distancing, quarantining of the general population necessary], despite which the population was still forced to enter lock down for next year and half and carry out with all the measures with subsequent vaccination. You are invited to make your own independent conclusions based on the above.
Spiritual Adulthood
We cannot grow unless we are willing to seek, to know, to love the Truth. We cannot heal and grow in lies, deceptions, obfuscations and manipulations, We cannot heal in Shadows and darkness. The healing and growth comes from personal courage to be willing to face the truth no matter how hard it may look, sound or feel. This is spiritual adulthood. The time of naivete and childhood is over for humanity. Humanity must and have already risen to this challenge. So it is done.
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